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Desire2Learn > Tools > Assignments Overview > Creating a New Assignment Folder in D2L

Creating a New Assignment Folder in D2L


Assignment folders allow students to submit assignments through the D2L course site. Assignment folders can be setup to accept files submitted by individual students or a group of students.

  1. Select Assignments in the course navigation bar.
  2. Select the New Folder button.
  3. Enter the title of the folder in the "Name" field.
  4. Enter in assignment instructions in the "Instructions" field.
  5. Select an Assignment Type A:
    • Individual assignment (default option): Students submit assignments individually.
    • Group assignment: Students submit an assignment as a group. (See Creating Groups for more information on setting up groups in D2L.)
  6. Select an Assignment type B:
    • File Submission: Students can upload multiple file types. (See D2L Brightspace page on assignments for more information). (Default and recommended)
    • Text Submission: Students can only type or paste in text into a provided text box.
    • Submitted in Class: Students complete an assignment offline and submit directly to the instructor.
    • Observed in person: Students give a presentation in class with no written work being submitted.
    creating submission_assignment type
  7. (Optional) Notification Email: The email address or comma-separated list of email addresses specified in this field will receive an email message whenever a new submission is uploaded to this folder.
  8. (Optional) Select a category.
    • If the category was already created, select it from the Category dropdown menu.
    • If the category was not created, select the New Category link. In the pop-up window that opens, enter a name for the category and then select Save.
  9. In the "Score Out of" field A, enter the maximum number of points the assignment can earn.
  10. Note: This setting is recommended in order to use the grading interface to provide students with qualitative feedback on their work. This is still the case even if the Grades tool is not being used and/or the assignment is not being counted as part of the overall course grade.

  11. (Optional) Associate the folder with a grade item B:
    • If the grade item was already created, select it from the Grade Item dropdown menu.
    • If the grade item was not created, select the New Grade Item link. In the pop-up window that opens, enter a name for the grade item and the value for maximum score possible for the assignment in the Out Of field, then select Save.
  12. (Optional) Select the Add Rubric C button to attach an already created rubric in D2L or select the Create Rubric in New Window link to create a new one. See Rubrics in D2L for more information.
    create submission_score
  13. Select the Save and Close button.

Hide Assignment Folder from Students

By default, Assignment folders are visible to students. To hide the folder from student view, follow the directions below.
  1. Select the dropdown arrow A next to the folder title.
  2. Select Hide From Users B.
    Select Hide from Users

Note: An icon of an eye with a slash through it alongside the folder name indicates that this folder is not visible to students.


By default, a new Assignment folder is visible and active to students. To control access set the start and end dates through the Restrictions settings. See Managing Assignment Access for more information.