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Desire2Learn > Tools > Zoom > Recording a Zoom Meeting

Recording a Zoom Meeting


Zoom meetings can be recorded, saved, and shared after they occur. Hosts can choose to save a meeting to their computer or to Zoom cloud storage. All Zoom recordings will be saved for 120 days in the cloud.
Note: To share a recording that has been saved to the cloud, the password protection must be disabled so that others can view the recording via the link provided. Directions for doing this are included below under Disabling a Password.

Recording to the Cloud

Recording a Zoom meeting to the cloud will save the meeting to Zoom’s cloud storage. This is the preferred option for sharing the recording because it allows users to access the recording through a link. The recording file can be downloaded to a computer or streamed from a browser.

  1. Create a Zoom meeting (See Creating a Zoom Meeting for more details).
  2. At the beginning of the meeting, or whenever the recording should start, select Record A.
  3. Select Record to the Cloud B.
    record a zoom session to the cloud
  4. Note: Students do not have access to record to the cloud. However, they can record Zoom meetings using the directions for Recording to a Computer.

  5. At any point during the meeting, recording can be paused by selecting the Pause button A or stopped using the Stop button B.
    buttons to pause and stop recording zoom
  6. If the recording has not been stopped, it will stop when the host ends the meeting.
  7. An email will be sent once the recording has been uploaded to the cloud, providing a link for access.

Disabling a Password for Existing Cloud Recordings

If a meeting has already been recorded to the cloud, it will need to be modified so that others can access it using the “share” link provided. If the password protection is not modified, users with the link will not be able to view the recording.

  1. Navigate to depaul.zoom.us.
  2. Select Recordings from the menu.
  3. The “Cloud Recordings” page will open with a list of recorded meetings.
  4. Select the Share button next to the recording to be made accessible.
  5. Select the toggle next to “Password Protection” to turn this setting off.
  6. Select Done.

Disabling a Password for Future Cloud Recordings

Because password protection is a default setting for Zoom recordings, disabling this feature ahead of time will eliminate the need to modify settings for future recordings. Before recording a Zoom meeting, follow these directions so the link to the recording is accessible once it is shared.

  1. Navigate to depaul.zoom.us.
  2. Select Settings from the menu.
  3. Scroll to the setting titled “Require password to access shared cloud recordings.”
  4. Select the toggle next to this setting.
  5. A confirmation will appear at the top of the screen, and the setting will read as “Modified.”

Recording to a Computer

When a Zoom meeting is saved locally to a computer, it will save in .mp4 format in a folder titled “Zoom” within the Documents folder on the computer. To share a recording that has been saved locally, the file will need to be uploaded to a course.

  1. Create a Zoom meeting (See Creating a Zoom Meeting for more details).
  2. At the beginning of the meeting, or whenever the recording should start, select Record A.
  3. Select Record on this Computer B.
    record a zoom session to the computer
  4. At any point during the meeting, recording can be paused by selecting the Pause button A or stopped using the Stop button B.
    buttons to pause and stop recording zoom
  5. If the recording has not been stopped, it will stop when the host ends the meeting.
  6. When the meeting has been ended, a popup will appear with the .mp4 conversion progress for the recording. The recording will be available once this popup disappears.

Note: Recordings saved to a computer can also be accessed through depaul.zoom.us under “Recordings,” then “Local Recordings.”